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A Beginners Intro Guide to Mastering the Inside-Out Forehand

The inside-out forehand is a powerful and versatile shot in tennis that can become a valuable weapon in your arsenal. It involves hitting the ball with a forehand stroke from the inside of the court, sending it diagonally across the court to the opponent's opposite side. In this article, we will provide a beginner-friendly guide to understanding and executing the inside-out forehand, enabling you to add depth, precision, and strategy to your game.

What is the Inside-Out Forehand?

The inside-out forehand is a shot where you hit the ball with a forehand stroke while positioned on the inside of the court, away from the center. Instead of hitting the ball towards the opponent's side of the court nearest to you (inside-in forehand), you aim to direct the ball diagonally to the opponent's opposite side. This shot is primarily used to open up the court, change direction, and put pressure on your opponent by creating wider angles and taking advantage of their positioning.

Key Elements of the Inside-Out Forehand

Footwork and Positioning: To execute the inside-out forehand effectively, positioning yourself correctly is crucial. Start by positioning yourself slightly inside the baseline and closer to the sideline on your forehand side. This allows you to have a better angle to hit the ball diagonally across the court.

Preparation: As the ball approaches, get into a ready position with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and racket back. Rotate your shoulders and hips to load up on power and prepare for the forward swing.

Swing Path: During the forward swing, focus on a smooth and controlled swing path. The racket should move from low to high, brushing the back of the ball to generate topspin. This topspin helps the ball clear the net and dive back down into the court, ensuring depth and control on your shot.

Timing and Contact Point: The timing of your shot is crucial for a successful inside-out forehand. Wait for the ball to reach the ideal contact point, which is slightly in front of your body. Strive to make contact with the ball at the peak of its bounce or slightly before. This timing allows you to generate power and control while maintaining consistency.

Follow-through: After striking the ball, continue your swing with a complete follow-through. The follow-through should extend across your body and towards the opposite side of the court, emphasizing the diagonal nature of the shot.

Strategies and Tips for Success

Court Awareness: Develop good court awareness by analyzing your opponent's positioning and movement. Look for opportunities to hit the inside-out forehand when your opponent is out of position or moving towards the center of the court, creating an open space for you to exploit.

Practice and Consistency: Like any other tennis shot, mastering the inside-out forehand requires practice and repetition. Spend dedicated practice time focusing on your footwork, timing, and swing technique. Gradually increase your speed and intensity to develop consistency and confidence in executing the shot.

Shot Variation: Incorporate shot variation into your game by using the inside-out forehand as a change-up shot. Alternate between inside-in and inside-out forehands to keep your opponent guessing and maintain control of the rally.

Mental Focus: As with any new technique, it's important to stay mentally focused and patient. Be aware that mastering the inside-out forehand takes time and effort. Embrace the learning process and remain committed to improving your skills.


The inside-out forehand is a valuable shot that allows you to gain an advantage over your opponent by changing the direction of play and creating wider angles on the court. By understanding the key elements of footwork, preparation, swing path, timing, and follow-through, you can begin incorporating the inside-out forehand into your game. Remember to practice regularly, stay focused, and experiment with shot variation to develop a reliable and effective inside-out forehand that will elevate your tennis game.

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